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Thursday, November 12, 2009


HY !!! BERLIN,NOV. 2009
This is news from Berlin / Germany. When I came back from a two years sailing trip in spain and canary islands I experianced voice-hearing and delusion while staying in Ibiza. Experiancing all type of drugs like LSD, Extasies, Cocaine and on I switched my conscious awareness to a higher level... - onto a meta-state that made me comunicating with people by telepathie- I thought.
By that time being the voices didn´t disturb me that much, but I grew curious where they came from, and if it was =Reality= what took place in my consciousness.
After a while I started to talk and to reply to the different voices that spread out of the specific persons who crossed my ways.
Time past and the =Voices= grew negative and I began to feel bad about them.
First thought was that I had gone =SCHIZOPHRENE= and I needed medical treatment what so ever.
I went back to Germany to get healed as fast as possible because I got involved into a struggle with my =VOICES= that made me =DEPRESSIVE=... .
By the time I started even to =HALLUCINATE= ; I saw =OBJECTS= and even =FILM-SEQUENCES= that couldn´t be real.
My =ENVIRONEMENT= grew curious and I had conflict with the =POLICE= after all.
I was taken to =HOSPITAL= and "enjoyed" =MEDICAL TREATMENT= several times.
The =DOCTORS= told me that I had a =SCIZOPHRENIC PSYCHOSIS= and that I had to follow
Years went by and long =HOSPITAL-STAYS= and =LIVING-COMMUNITIES= (for mental-ill patients) had to be gone through.
I had no chance to work for my living, except in workshops for mental-ill persons and my professional development was disturbed.
=SIDEAFFECTS= from =NEUROLPTICAS= intruded like =COTTON WOOL= into my =BRAIN= and I felt terrible.
I grew fat and slow and was not even capable to ride a bicycle and on.
But I had great fun with my =FELLOWS=...
I learned a great deal about =PSYCHIATRY= and was nosy to experiance more.
Luckily there was the =PSYCHIATRY ENQUETE= and a great =REFORM= in =HEALTH SERVICES= that made it possible to gain from =MEDICAL PROGRESS= and new =STRUCTURES=.
Nowerdays, after 20 years in =PSYCHIATRY and COMPLEMENTARY BRANCHES= I got so much experianced I can now take part in a =EXPERIANCE-INVOLVEMENT= Project in 2010.
After all I don´t take =DRUGS= anymore and =RECOVERED=. SEE HOMEPAGE:

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